Welcome to Creative Health with Daydreamers

A free publication where we explore the science (and art) of living a creatively fulfilling life with Creative Health Scientist, Katina Bajaj.

About Creative Health:

Join Daydreamers’ Co-founder and Chief Science Officer, Katina Bajaj every Friday to dissect what it really means to live a creatively fulfilling life in an increasingly burned out, lonely and technology-driven world.

Katina and the team explore the latest scientific research on creativity, health, psychology and culture and share actionable tips and tools so you can start to turn your creativity into an active part of everyday life - for good. Think of us as your weekly mind-expander and starting point for your inspiration, beauty and imagination.

*Creative Health is a newsletter from Daydreamers HQ. It’s core to our mission at Daydreamers that everyone has access to digestible, enjoyable information that strengthens their Creative Health - that’s why we’re committed to keeping our work at Creative Health free for everyone.

About Daydreamers:

Daydreamers is your go-to place to strengthen your Creative Health. Think of us like your digital “gym” for creativity.

We’re on a mission to redefine the way we all think about creativity in our world today - and turn it into an accessible, science-backed tool for everyone to flourish. Creativity isn’t just for artists; in fact, it’s an innate human trait that directly impacts our mental, emotional and physical health. And we believe everyone needs to exercise it more regularly.

Started by Creative Health Scientist, Katina Bajaj after getting her Master’s in Clinical Psychology at Columbia’s Mind-body Institute - Daydreamers is a startup that blends technology and offline creating so you can turn your creative superpower into a regular ritual. We transform cutting-edge scientific research into simple creative exercises & learnings you can do no matter if you have 5 minutes or 50.

Ready to take your Creative Health to the next level? Join the Daydreamers platform and community here.

Join Daydreamers

Daydreamers’ Co-Founders, Dupi and Katina Bajaj.

A note from Katina:

Hey crew - Katina here. I’m so appreciative you’ve made it to our corner of the Internet and are choosing to spend your “free” time with us each week.

I started Daydreamers out of my own personal need - and let’s be honest, craving - to feel fully alive. After spending years on the burnout hamster wheel, collecting achievement after achievement I found myself sick, physically and emotionally. Not only was my life empty and exhausting - I knew that there had to be more.

It wasn’t until I reached a rock bottom point one day that I made a pivotal decision, one that would change the course of my entire life. I picked up the most simple tools I could find - a pen and a notebook - and I started to write. It was something I hadn’t done, freely, since I was a kid. And the moment my pen hit the paper, it defrosted something in my brain. Suddenly, I felt alive again.

Even though I had a lot of creative hobbies when I was young, I never considered myself a creative person. I liked math and science - and frankly, was horrible in art class. I thought that creativity, especially as an adult, was only for the talented. Or better yet - only something I could do after I retired.

I chased this juxtaposition for most of my career so far - from writing a book exploring how to live a fulfilling life as adults to graduate school where I studied the science of our ‘creative brains’ at Columbia University. And now, to building Daydreamers - the first and only place where everyone, especially non-artists, can strengthen their creativity for their health, fulfillment and longevity.

I’m so excited for us to go on this windy journey each week led by curiosity, openness and a real desire to understand the foundations of what allows every one of us to flourish: our Creative Health.

Ready to expand your own creative brain?

How you can support our work:

As a very small team that’s chipping away at a huge mission - we’re only able to continue championing this work through your support. We’re truly, truly thankful for you.

Support can look like:

  • Joining the Daydreamers platform. This is the most in-depth way to support us - and yourself! You’ll get access to 100s of proprietary creative health exercises, learnings and Daydreamers tools along with access to our private community, events, live chats with Katina and more.

    Join the Daydreamers platform

  • Share Creative Health with others seeking creative fulfillment. Our mission is to make Daydreamers the most accessible place for everyone to learn about the science of Creative Health. Recommend, forward, tell anyone (everyone you know) to subscribe!

    Share Creative Health with Daydreamers

  • Leave us comments, thoughts + more! We’re truly here to build a community and crew of people who question the status quo, seek out beauty and think creatively. We welcome all ideas, feedback + more :)

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“Daydreamers has literally changed my life in so many profound ways…I can’t even begin to describe it. I never thought that creativity was the thing that was missing in my life but I was tired of feeling like I have all of this wasted potential trapped inside me. I was so burned out, so stuck into my productivity that I seemed to have lost the beauty of all. Not being dramatic but Daydreamers helped me get my life back 🤍 ”

Allison, Daydreamers member

Subscribe to Creative Health with Daydreamers

The science (and art) of living a creatively fulfilling life. Explore the psychology, neuroscience and philosophy behind Creative Health with Katina Bajaj, the team at Daydreamers and 15,000+ others.


Your go-to place for Creative Health. Learn about the science of how to live a creatively fulfilling life - and then, turn it into an active part of everyday life at daydreamers.co.